Leave a Legacy of Hope!
As long as there are people experiencing homelessness in our city, including Philly House in your estate planning will ensure that we are there to serve them.
Help ensure that Philly House can continue to provide meals, shelter, dignity and lasting solutions to people experiencing homelessness for the next 100 years by making Philly House a part of your estate plans.
If you are interested in learning about how you can include Philly House in your will, reach out to our Development Office at 215-922-6400 ext. 1005 or donations@phillyhouse.org to discuss the many options.
Philly House can be included through wills, bequests, charitable gift annuities, trusts and many other estate planning vehicles – reach out and we can discuss what works best.
If you have already included Philly House (or Sunday Breakfast Rescue Mission) in your estate plans, let us know! We would love to say thank you and include you in some special outreach for those who have made us a part of their legacy.
Don’t Know Where to Begin?
Add Philly House to your Will
This is the easiest and most common way to leave a legacy for Philly House. With the help of an advisor, you can include language in your will or trust specifying a gift to be made to Philly House as part of your estate plan.
Contact Us about Planned Giving
If you have already included Philly House (or Sunday Breakfast Rescue Mission) in your estate plans, let us know! We would love to say thank you and include you in some special outreach for those who have made us a part of their legacy.
Or let us know if you have any questions, we are happy to help.

Providing Unconditional
Refuge and Hope
Help us provide hope to the homeless, hungry and hurting of Philadelphia.